How To Curate A WFH Playlist That Impacts, Not Distracts

4 min readMay 12, 2020

During my university days, I was shocked to find that one of my best friends would listen to hardcore EDM on full blast whenever he was getting into his groove. He was having a mini-rave in his headphones every time a paper was furiously being scribbled out. It was loud, brash, and hi-energy. But also it was consistent, rhythmic, and lyricless.

He always got his sh*t done.

While hardcore EDM may not be to everyone’s taste, it points to how having the right song at the right time can feed into our productivity.

So here’s a DIY primer for how to create your ideal work from home mix based on my experiences talking to hundreds of people about playlist-making.

Words keep you distracted

If you’re anything like me, your mind is easily scattered during these quarantine days. Playing music that is full of lyrics is like if someone were to constantly poke you and make conversation while you’re trying to get your A-Game on. You’d normally be into it, but not right now. Okay?

Playing music that is full of lyrics is like if someone were to constantly poke you and make conversation.

A great workaround is to listen to music instrumentals. You could also listen to genres that are more instrumental/synth-heavy so that you get lost in a melodic world where you can work at your highest potential!

Our brains visualized: the moment we hear lyrics in a song — chaotic and distracted.

Find music that is consistent

There’s a time and place for all kinds of music, but the element of surprise is not an ideal candidate when you’re trying to focus.

When you’re scrambling to piece together a Powerpoint pitch before midnight, you want to be settled into a rhythm. Here’s where music with a consistent beat and regular song structure helps your brain find a mental focal point.

When you’re scrambling to piece together a Powerpoint pitch before midnight, you want to be settled into a rhythm.

Everyone’s favorite study/work companion.

That’s why “lofi hip hop radio — beats to relax/study to” is so popular on YouTube. It’s simple, and easy on the ears. You almost forget that something is playing! Genres such as deep house or lo-fi fit this category.

Avoid catchy songs

Back when times were simpler and psychedelic fonts were ‘in’!

We’ve all been there. We’re playing our favorite track. Our head starts bobbing — we start searching up what Nelly Furtado has been up to since the 2000s (the answer is not much, but bless her!). Suddenly the whole afternoon passes you by, and you’ve barely got any work done. This might sound counter-intuitive, but listen to songs that are not earworms!

Here’s a tip that tests whether a song is too catchy for your own good: If you can recite the lyrics of a song, drop it from your WFH playlist.

Here’s a tip that tests whether a song is too catchy for your own good: If you can recite the lyrics of a song, drop it from your WFH playlist.

Avoid catchy songs so you can catch a break from the Mother of All Unproductive Weekdays — Procrastination!

Stop wasting time on playlist making

If I had a dollar for every hour I wasted on perfecting my playlist, I’d be buried in loonies.

Your time is valuable, so don’t waste too many precious minutes on micro-managing your playlist. Just pick a general sound and stick to it!

Maybe that’s why my university friend still listens to so much hardcore EDM during these 2020 Quarantine Days.

He was so focused that he forgot to change with the times.

This article was written by Boris But, Co-Founder and CMO of Mixonset. Find him on Linkedin or email him at

Goodbye Shuffle, Hello Smart Mix! To elevate your WFH music mixing experience, install our iOS app for free.

Mixonset is available for Spotify Premium and iTunes MP3 Library. Mixonset Premium lets you find new songs without skipping a beat. Check out how it works here!

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